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Money Lessons with Mel: Share Investing Basics

Are you intrigued by the share market but nervous about investing? You're not alone. The truth is, investing in the share market is the same as any other skill so let's start to get you confident around investing in shares.

But I’ve seen far too many smart women put off investing in shares - because they feel overwhelmed, and believe they don’t have the funds to get started.

I'm Melissa Browne, an ex-accountant, ex-financial advisor & successful investor and I cannot wait to help you understand how to invest in the share market. 

This Share Investing Basics lesson was held live on 30 November and you can now get instant access to the recording for 60 days to watch and rewatch as many times as you like. 

In this super practical money lesson, here's a few things you'll learn are:

💰Is it still safe to invest in shares? Hint: it is but you need to have a strategy, you can't rely on luck. And I share my strategy inside this class.

💰Goals, time frames, fees & diversification: Why you need to understand & have a strategy for each of these things before you invest.

💰Passive investing vs Active investing: Which is the right approach for you?

💰Micro-investing apps might be vs traditional platforms plus I open up a platform & show you exactly how to buy & sell.

💰How to choose a share & an ETF: What to look for plus we do a case study where you'll decide if you would invest or not.

Plus I share the common mistakes people make & what the world's most successful investor has suggested and so much more.

If you want to learn more about the share market in a relaxed, informal, jargon-free way then make sure you purchase this webinar. There's so MUCH goodness and if your head is already spinning from that list, don't worry, you have access for 60 days.

It's 90 minutes that could just give you the confidence you need to invest.

Mel x

What People Are Saying:

I'm yet to make my first investment but I'm not as scared of it anymore, which is huge for me.


I feel like such a grownup. I put my big pants on this morning & invested my first ever $$ in shares. Yay!


She has changed my life. I now have a share portfolio. I have never before invested in shares.
