Have you ever felt that you're financially not at the age and stage you should be?

Are you ready to stop hoping you're doing enough, ready to (finally) take control of your finances & would love an expert guide to help?

Then it’s time for you to join the…


My Financial Adulting Plan

The 8-week program designed to help you create a STRATEGY for your debt, GET EXCITED about investing, BREAK FREE from bad financial habits, DIVERSIFY your income, and TRANSFORM your finances.

Designed by financial experts to meet you where you're at, no matter your age, your income, your debt or asset level.

The truth is you're not too old, too young, too busy or too broke(n).

You just need to start.

Click HERE to Join My Financial Adulting Plan Waitlist >>
It doesn't matter what your income level is at the moment...

life is becoming so freaking expensive

The rising cost of living is increasingly jarring. From your grocery bills to the petrol bowser and let's not even talk about the cost of dining out.

Interest rates might have stabilised but they're still high and rents meanwhile have soared. Your cost of housing is taking up a big chunk of your income.

You know you should be investing but so much of your dollars are accounted for already or you earn a good income and figure you'll get to it eventually.

Let's be honest, most of the time

you feel like the only way to get ahead 

is to work 'til you drop…

 Or hope someone slips you the winning Lotto ticket.

But since that’s about as likely as spotting a unicorn sipping an oat milk latte… you feel like you have no choice but to:

  • find more and more creative ways to stretch your limited funds 
  • concentrate on paying off your mortgage and hope that's enough
  • cross your fingers and hope things turn around

But hope isn't a strategy...

and chances are you already suspect what you're doing isn't enough

which bloody sucks, because... 

You want your money to work for you instead of  hustling for every dollar, because you understand you can't work your way to wealth.

You want to feel confident and in control of your finances, knowing there’s always enough coming in & you can ride any storms.

You want the FREEDOM to call the shots in your life — to choose whether to work, where to travel, and how to provide a financial safety blanket for your loved ones.

The problem is, the gap between where you are and where you want to be is widening...

... and sure you could google 'how to do money' but the volume of information is endless and there's so much conflicting advice.

You don’t know how to maximise your income for *your* set of circumstances. Should you save, invest, or pay off a loan?

And when you’re already juggling the hectic demands of life, work, and family —

It’s easier to replace your spreadsheets with Netflix than sort through your finances.

(Or get into a heated debate with your partner about your spending habits)!

Find yourself nodding along?

I want you to know that you are NOT alone.

And the truth? It’s no wonder you feel this way. 

At this moment, hundreds of thousands of women and families are in the same sticky spot. Just like you, they’ve never been taught financial literacy in school. OR they’ve been told that money matters are too complicated, too hard, too intimidating, and better left to the “experts.” 

But as your soon to be financial guide…

I’m going to let you in on a secret thousands of MFAP alumni have already discovered.
You Are

worthy of financial independence & choice (whatever that looks like for you).

You Will

reduce your debt, grow your wealth (and live a life you love).

You Can

have the financial security you desire (no matter your age or income).

And you DON’T have to win the lotto, work 'til you drop, or give up your daily latte...

you can be on your way to have financial choice - just like these MFAP alumni are

Click HERE to Join My Financial Adulting Plan Waitlist >>


Hey there, I'm Mel.

Along with Lauren Law aka 'Lawsie', I'm here to teach, guide, inspire, help & even challenge you.

Lawsie and I are a Gen Y and Gen X'er who have worked together for over a decade and helped thousands of women (and a few good men) just like you positively transform their finances.

We're both ex-accountants and ex-financial advisors and importantly, we both invest ourselves. In my 40s I have the option to work or not (having come back from less than nothing in my 30s after giving my entire divorce proceeds to charity.) While Lawsie, in her mid-30s, can choose her hours and how she works because of how freaking financially savvy and disciplined she is.

We have all of the skills, experience and expertise to help you to create the life you're excited to design (that you don't want to escape from) and financial plan that future you will love you for (without you having to sacrifice your daily coffee).

Click HERE to Join My Financial Adulting Plan Waitlist >>
I invite you to join us and your new financial community inside the

My Financial Adulting Plan

The 8-week course that gives you the financial plan, expert guidance, and supportive community you need to transform your finances from the inside-out.

So you can go from buckling under the weight of financial uncertainty to making financial decisions with clarity, confidence, and purpose!

Click HERE to Join My Financial Adulting Plan Waitlist >>

Check out what other students have achieved since joining MFAP

$3.6 million added to SAVINGS accounts

130 credit cards CLOSED 

$2.8 million invested in SHARES

$854k in credit card REPAID

$2.2 million DEPOSITED in buffer accounts

37% investing in shares for the FIRST time

32 properties PURCHASED

56 business STARTED

*Individual program results will vary. From our April 2023 survey of MFAP alumni.

It’s your turn to change your life

And Your Financial Future

Here’s How We’ll Transform Your Financial Life in Just 8 Weeks
Module 1

Financial Awareness

Hard truth: if you don’t understand your relationship with money, you’ll be doomed to repeat the same patterns. We’ll dive deep on WHY you behave the way you do with your finances AND how to stop the self-sabotage in its tracks.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • Why it’s time to break up with money
  • Your relationship with money
  • Your Money Story and how it’s been subconsciously impacting your financial life
  • The 30-Day Financial Detox challenge
Module 2

Discovering Your Money Type

It’s like your personal love language - but for your finances! Once you understand what really drives your financial behaviour and how you naturally operate when it comes to money, you can develop the habits and practices that are right for you.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • The Worker
  • The Creator
  • The Discerner
  • The Relator
  • Hybrid Money Types
Module 3

Where are you now vs where do YOU want to be?

Pull out your spreadsheets because it’s time to create your own Financial Plan! But before you can design your dream life, we’ll pinpoint exactly where you stand today.

In this module, you’ll get crystal clear on:

  • Your personal Ground Zero AKA what your current financial situation looks like
  • Where all your money is going
  • How to identify and track your liabilities/debt
  • How to get clear on what your future self wants What The Gap looks like

💰A financial planner would charge over $4,000 to prepare this strategic plan for you.

Module 4

Turning your Dream Life into a Financial Plan

You’ll start designing exactly what you want your dream life to look like and how much money you need to get there. PLUS the practical strategies you need to close that financial gap.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How to start closing the gap between your current situation and your financial goals
  • Our best strategies to pay down good, bad, and ok debt
  • How to find even more cash to put towards your financial goals without sacrificing your daily coffee run
  • How to identify the exact financial figure that’s “enough” for you and your goals
Module 5

Ditch Bad Money Habits & Learn Right Ones for YOU

Your financial future is shaped by your financial habits… which is exactly why we’ll pinpoint the financial habits that work best for *your* specific Money Type.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Great basic money habits
  • Money habits for Workers
  • Money habits for Creators
  • Money habits for Discerners
  • Money habits for Realtors
  • ADHD and money habits
  • Potential stressors that may sabotage your habits (and how to avoid them)
Module 6

Investing: Shares, ETFs & Managed Funds

Discover how to invest in shares so you can start to grow your wealth, whether you’ve never looked at the stock market in your life or you already have a few shares in your portfolio.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • Risk vs. Reward (and how to identify the financial risks you’re prepared to take)
  • The true power of compound interest
  • A beginner's guide to investing in shares
  • The three main ways to invest (passive vs active vs direct)
  • How to choose a share/stock, including a Case Study 
  • ESG, SRI & Impact Investing
  • HOW to actually buy/sell using different share platforms
Module 7

Investing: Property & Home Ownership

Learn how to buy & invest in property AND still have cash left over to treat yourself to your fave avocado toast.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • The different ways to own property (spoiler alert: there’s more than home ownership) including residential investment, commercial investment, listed property trusts and more
  • The pros & cons of owning vs renting (including rentvesting)
  • The best strategies to save up for a deposit
  • Our best tips & pitfalls to avoid when buying a property
  • How much it really costs to purchase a property
  • Our best tips for when you already have a mortgage or investment loan, including scripts to ask for a better deal!
Module 8

Investing: Business, Side Hustles & Hobbies

Walk away armed with the basics of starting a business and a solid understanding of how to bring in extra income in a way that works for you!

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Business vs side hustle vs hobby (and the best option for you)
  • Essential business basics so you can start off on the right foot
  • The psychology of pricing 
  • How to interpret and understand key numbers  
  • How to develop multiple streams of income
  • Profits First: Sales vs. Profits

PLUS... 6 Additional Bonus Modules:

💫 BONUS Module: Money Maintenance 

💫 BONUS Module: Money & Relationships + Money Partnerships

💫 BONUS Module: Country Money Deep Dives for Australia, NZ, UK and more countries on the way

💫 BONUS Module: Conscious Consuming and Investing

💫 BONUS Module: Kids and Money

💫 BONUS Module: Insurances

Inside MFAP, you're fully supported!

We offer WEEKLY LIVE Q&As, ACCOUNTABILITY GROUPS and CO-WORKING sessions so no-one is left behind. We're all about providing the support you need and answering any questions that come up.

Friends don’t let friends do finances alone: 

LIVE weekly calls with Mel

Each Tuesday night, we get together, I share more insights and I answer your finance queries in our LIVE Q&A sessions. Plus they're recorded in case you can't make them Live.

It’s what’s going on between the sheets, the spreadsheets that is.

Access to The Work Room with Lawsie

In Week 5, Lawsie will open up her virtual work room for 2 hours to MFAP students who either want to co-work on module exercises, sense check their financial plan, or work with others to get it done.

This is your Money Crew (and new financial besties).

LIFETIME access to the MFAP Facebook Group

Community and quick support at your fingertips. It’s the perfect place to get answers from multiple perspectives and stay in the loop on different challenges and events throughout the year.

Making sure you stay on track and never get lost.

2 x Group Accountability Sessions

Lawsie (the accountability ninja) will host a group session to help you work through the course, keep you on track and provide you with tools and habits to keep using long after the course has ended.

Plus 3 Bonus Challenges

Designed to put money back into your pocket throughout the year, so that you not only recoup the cost of the program but 10x your investment!

😇 30 Day Financial Detox - seize back financial control and bring awareness back to your spending

🧐 Find $833 in 30 days - learn how to find more income to fund your financial dreams instead of always cutting back

🤑 Reduce your interest rate - use our proven scripts and support to reduce your loan interest rates and pay off debt faster

Ready to create the financial future YOU want?

Choose the plan that works for you
& let’s transform your finances!

All options give you access to the same course material, with payment options for every budget.


Most Affordable


12 Small Monthly Installments (AUD)

The easiest way to invest in your future (less than the cost of a coffee a day).


  • 8 weeks of pre-recorded videos, written content & downloads
  • 12 weeks access
  • Build your own financial plan
  • Weekly Tuesday night Live Q&As with Mel (also recorded)
  • Two group accountability sessions
  • Lifetime access to closed FB group
  • Membership option afterwards
  • You and your partner (if you have one) can join for the one price
  • 14 day money back guarantee

*$99 discount when you pay out the balance at the end of the course after applying all your new knowledge

** The value of the financial plan alone is over $4,000

Get In & Get It Done


3 Installments During the Course (AUD)

An affordable way to pay that doesn’t drain your fun funds.


  • 8 weeks of pre-recorded videos, written content & downloads
  • 12 weeks access
  • Build your own financial plan
  • Weekly Tuesday night Live Q&As with Mel (also recorded)
  • Two group accountability sessions
  • Lifetime access to closed FB group 
  • Membership option afterwards
  • You and your partner (if you have one) can join for the one price
  • 14 day money back guarantee

*$99 discount when you pay out the balance at the end of the course after applying all your new knowledge

** The value of the financial plan alone is over $4,000

⭐Best Value for Your Bucks


Discounted Upfront Price (AUD)

Embrace your inner financial grown-up with a single payment!


  • 8 weeks of pre-recorded videos, written content & downloads
  • 12 weeks access
  • Build your own financial plan
  • Weekly Tuesday night Live Q&As with Mel (also recorded)
  • Two group accountability sessions
  • Lifetime access to closed FB group
  • Membership option afterwards
  • You and your partner (if you have one) can join for the one price
  • 14 day money back guarantee

*$99 discount when you pay out the balance at the end of the course after applying all your new knowledge

** The value of the financial plan alone is over $4,000

Doors currently closed

Doors closed while we work with our current cohort of students. But join the waitlist to be the first to know when we open our doors again in...









Since we’re all about being financially savvy, here’s a breakdown of  what you get for your investment 

Let's start by talking about what it would cost if you went
to a financial advisor

Regular meetings to tweak your financial plan and map out your wealth-building strategies can run you up to $500/hr with a financial advisor.

Hiring a financial advisor to create a Financial Plan can set you back over $4,000 PLUS annual ongoing fees. (According to Jul-23 industry reporting.)

And even with that hefty tag, most financial advisors won’t guide you through the daily habits you need to reach your financial goals.


learning to do that for yourself inside the

My Financial Adulting Plan 

Where you're Getting:

8 weeks of money modules jam-packed with videos, written content & downloads 

6 x BONUS modules so you can confidently manage your money with ease

Steps to create your own Financial Plan. (One you can update any time your goals shift)

Comprehensive financial education including investing in shares, property, and business

Weekly Q&As with Mel for more insights & to ask questions

⭐ Work room with Lawsie to work on your financial plan 

⭐ 2 x Group accountability sessions with Lawsie to help you  stay on track 

Extra 1:1 support & coaching from Lawsie at an exclusive reduced rate if needed

3 x BONUS Challenges to help you find extra money (and make your investment back)

Twice weekly SMS’s to keep you on track

Lifetime access to private FB community who will support, share wins & encourage you 

🛍️ Actual Total Retail Value - More than $6,500

Today’s Price: $99 per month

For 12 months. Or one upfront payment of $997

Click HERE to Join My Financial Adulting Plan Waitlist >>

100% Money-Back Guarantee

We’ve helped thousands of women (and blokes!) transform their finances and learn how to make their money work for them — and we’re confident this program will do the same for you too!

But we want you to feel good about your investment. So if this program isn't for you or doesn’t live up to your expectations, we’ve got you covered.

Just let us know within 14 days of purchasing and we'll refund your cash, no questions asked. 

What makes me qualified to teach you about all this finance stuff?

… And what makes me different from the bloke in the blue suit ‘men’s club’ type character at the local financial planning firm?

Simple – I'm an ex-financial advisor & ex-accountant who came back from nothing in my 30s to having financial independence in my 40s. 

I'm here to help you understand the ins and outs of your money story, great money habits, paying off bad debt, getting comfortable with OK & good debt, investing and wealth creation on your own terms (sans the mansplaining and uncertainty that breeds fear and doubt)...

My Financial Adulting Plan
has already made such a big impact in so many people's lives...👇

Now it's your turn

When you join My Financial Adulting Plan…

You will be making progress, recognising behaviours & already seeing financial & behavioural changes.

Because we'll give you practical first steps that you can start to use immediately💵💵

Next Month

You will understand where you are, where you want to go & have a plan to get there.

Because you’ll have created your own financial PLAN and be the author of your own financial story 💰💰

Next Year

You’ll be confidently carrying out your financial plan -saving, investing and paying off debts.

Because you’ll understand how to ENJOY your life today AND have choices tomorrow 🪙🪙

👆That’s just the tip of the iceberg, when you join the My Financial Adulting Plan.

 It empowers you to confidently make smart money moves, plan for life’s big moments, and set up a brighter future for you and your loved ones!

Click HERE to Join My Financial Adulting Plan Waitlist >>

Because We Give a FAQ

Imagine feeling this good about your finances 👇

Because this isn't just a trend - this financial skill you'll learn will have no expiry date.

It might seem daunting at first…but you won’t be doing it alone. 

Lawsie and I (plus a community of other incredible women and families) will be here to cheer you on, celebrate your wins, and be a sounding board as you learn how to create a financial plan you can use again and again. 

So what do you say? 

Is having financial choice worth it for you? 

If the answer’s YES, there’s only one thing left to do...

Click HERE to Join My Financial Adulting Plan Waitlist >>