Do you want to make a positive change to your finances at your own pace, in your own time?
Then it’s time for you to start my mini course…
My Financial Focus

Are you living
A life by design or a life by default?
Chances are your life is full of 'shoulds'.
You should buy a house, you should pay it off, you should save more, you should have a family, you should send your kids to the right school, you should be sticking to a budget, you should drive the right car and be seen in the right clothes...
Should, should, should.
The truth is, 'shoulds' have the power to derail your finances - because often they're not things you WANT. That means they're easy to give up on or not able to bee followed through.

Let's change that for you.
Join me inside My Financial Focus
where I will show you everything you need to:

Set yourself up for your best year yet, this year, next year, the following year and beyond

Set both short and long term goals not just for your finances, but life in general

Ensure you stay on course, making relentless forward progress towards your goals
Just Like These Students Have Done 👇

"Changed the direction
of my life"
Signing up changed the direction of my life. I'm so inspired, happy and excited to finally create a life of financial independence and freedom. Thank you Mel.

my head space"
I feel like I've been encouraged to financially reset and gently keep pushing the needle so our savings has increased and spending is questioned. Loving my head space.
So what makes me qualified to teach you about all this finance stuff?
… And what makes me different from the bloke in the blue suit ‘men’s club’ type character at the local financial planning firm?
Simple – I'm an ex-financial advisor & ex-accountant who came back from nothing in my 30s to having financial independence in my 40s.
I'm here to help you understand the ins and outs of your money story, great money habits, paying off bad debt, getting comfortable with OK & good debt, investing and wealth creation on your own terms (sans the mansplaining and uncertainty that breeds fear and doubt)...

I invite you to join me inside
My Financial Focus Mini Course

This mini course saves you from wasting hours on google & is the exact method I use. The course includes my tools, tricks & templates to help you focus AND give you a plan for what to do next week, next month and next year. You'll learn:
💡 why goal setting is so freaking important
💡 how to take the time to reflect on the past constructively
💡 how to set yourself up for your best year yet
💡 how to set both short and long terms goals not just for your finances, but life in general
💡 how to ensure you stay on course, making relentless forward progress towards your goals
And I'll give you the templates I use each year to make it happen and so much more...
I'm Ready to Take Control >>It’s your turn to change your life
And Your Financial Future
Inside My Financial Focus,
You receive

Six lessons on goal setting
Each lessons contains videos, written content and supporting downloads to help support your learning journey.
To help you figure out your long term, short term and immediate goals and detail the action you need to take to achieve them.

Videos with Mel
An ex-financial advisor, ex-accountant, successful investor and goal setting nerd, explaining everything you need to do.
with all the templates and downloads for you to use now and to revisit again, year on year to keep working towards your dream life.

90 days access
You get immediate access and retain access for 90 days so you can work through everything as many times as you like.
$50 voucher
you can use towards the next round of the my Financial Adulting Plan, my signature 8 week course designed to transform all aspects of your finances.
Ready to start working on the future YOU want?
Simply click the button below
to join me inside My Financial Focus

When it comes to taking control over your life and your finances, you might feel a little like this...
but I promise you can start to take some simple steps to change that.
For example, did you know that when you give yourself a picture of the goal you want to achieve, the mind starts believing it to be real? Eventually, the brain begins driving you to take actions for making the state and the goal setting becomes a success.
It's just one of the reasons I'm such a believer, not in vague NY resolutions but in intentional goal setting with an action plan of to-dos.
This course is designed to help you focus in on what YOU want - not what you 'should' want or what others want you for you. To help you answer the question - what life do I want to create?
And only then do we look at what that means for the next 12 months, 90 days, 30 days & even tomorrow.
Consider this a conscious time-out with someone who is an expert at goal setting where you'll figure out a plan that's right for you, that you'll actually be excited to implement.

let's create transformational goals with
My Financial Focus
Just a reminder of what you get:
✅ six lessons on life & financial goal setting
✅ templates to help figure out your goals
✅ videos with me (an ex-financial advisor & accountant)
✅ an e-book full of all the templates & downloads you can use forever
✅ a $50 voucher to use towards the cost of the My Financial Adulting Plan
It doesn't matter if you've done goal setting before or you're a goal setting newbie - if any of the below applies then jump in:
🤓 You have a vague idea of what you'd like to achieve but lack the action plan to make it a reality
🤓 You have never thought about what you'd like your dream life to look like
🤓 You love goal setting & want to pick up tricks and tips from an expert
🤓 You suspect you're living someone else's goals & it's time to start living your own
🤓 You want to jump into the driver's seat of your life and your finances
🤓 You're not living a life by design with focus on the right things
You're right! I need this. Click to join My Financial Focus!>>
Because I Give a FAQ
What if I can't complete it right now?
Can I get a tax deduction for it?
Can my partner do it with me?
What if I need more help?
How long will it take to complete?

This is it...
are you joining me inside
My Financial Focus?
Is it time to start living a life by design and not a life by default? To start really thinking about what it is you want from life and start making a plan to get there?
Join My Financial Focus Today >>