Do you have questions when it comes to property? Questions like...
How & what's the right thing to buy?
Should I buy my own home or rentvest?
Do I need an investment property & should it be residential or commercial?
Should I invest via a listed property trust?
When I go for a loan, what's the best thing to do?

You're not alone! Most of us, at some stage will consider buying a property and will face or have faced the exact questions you are currently thinking.
And with property being the biggest and most expensive purchase most of us will ever make,
let's make sure you're being smart
when it comes to buying property.
It's fair to say Australians have an obsession with property.
In fact, it is often considered a rite of passage to adulthood to buy your own home.
But should it still be?
There is no rule that says you have to own your own home. There is no rule that says you have to own property at all. In fact, did you know that you can still get exposure to the property market, without even having to take out a mortgage?
The problem is, most of us feel like we have to buy property. But we are not sure how to even save for that huge deposit. Or if we should rent and buy an investment property instead. Then, throw in the news headlines about falling property prices and rising interest rates and we end up freezing and doing nothing.
Plus, add to this the often sprouted narratives such as 'shares are like gambling' and 'property doubles every seven years' and suddenly we find ourselves in limbo, not knowing what way to look, who to turn to and what to do.
The truth is...
Property values do not double every seven years (or any other adage you've been told).
Buying and investing in property requires knowledge and strategy. It's about knowing what to buy, where to buy, when to buy and how to buy.
So let's spend 90 minutes together, where you'll learn what you really need to know when it comes to property and how it might be right for you.

Let’s get you confident around buying and investing in property with me inside the:

Instant Access | $49
Plus you’ll have access to the recording for 60 days!
Count me in! I'm ready to learn about property >>Learn about buying and investing in property from the comfort of your couch in your pjs!
Inside this class you’ll discover the jargon-free, finance-bro-free basics of buying property
🏠 Buying property in a time of rising interest rates: what your mortgage broker wishes you knew
🏠 There's so much talk about falling property prices: the key things you need to understand when buying in possible falling market including what this means for your mortgage going forward
🏠 Residential vs commercial property: the pros and cons of both
🏠 Owning your own home vs rentvesting: why owning your own home isn't right for everyone
🏠 Your mortgage: saving for that deposit, mortgage insurance and why simply paying off your mortgage might not be the smart strategy
🏠 And so much more!
All this for only $49!
Plus you’ll have access to the recording for 60 days
Count me in! I’m ready to learn about property >>
Hi, I'm Mel!
I'm an ex-accountant and ex-financial advisor with over 25 years experience in the finance space.
So I have the theory. But I also have the life experience.
I'm also an investor in shares and property and a multi-millionaire in my own right, having started from less than nothing in my 30s. And before you think that I came from money, I didn't. I'm from the Western Suburbs of Sydney.
Today, I’m on a mission to help women like you demystify investing and wealth creation - on our terms. Without having to suffer through all the mansplaining and uncertainty that breeds fear and doubt that means we miss out on some amazing opportunities.
And with rising interest rates, rising inflation and falling markets, it's more important than ever before to not simply wing it when it comes to investments. Or press pause. Or hope that what you're doing is enough.
What I geek out on is strategy and making sure you have the whole picture when it comes to buying property.

“I'm excited to be looking at investment properties & the share market as 2nd and 3rd income streams."

“On Wednesday, I signed a contract to purchase my first house! Never though I'd be able to do this by myself."

“I am creating multiple income streams. I've started a share portfolio & put a deposit on a block of land."

Who this class is right for?
- You might never have bought property or you might already own your own home or an investment property
- You're sure there's more to learn and you're ready and willing to start learning
- You want to pick up tips & tricks from an expert

Who this class is Wrong for?
- You're already a property investor who is already super successful
- You don't own and nor do you ever want to own property
If you're skeptical or overwhelmed, I get it.
There's too many people pushing get rich quick schemes or talking about money who don't have the professional qualifications to speak with authority.
That's not me and that's certainly not what I'm about.
Instead, I believe too many people have been kept in the dark for far too long when it comes to taking control of our financial decisions and our investments.
But this class is your chance to discover everything you need to know about buying and investing in property and what you need to do next to get started...
But now it's your turn to decide. Say yes, and let me give you the confidence to buy or invest in property.
When the class is over you'll know what to do next... you'll understand how to buy your home, how to invest in property and the type of property that is best for you and be able to work out a clear action plan to help you with your property decisions.
You'll be able to step out of hiding, take action that is right for you and actually start enjoying the process.
Just click the button below to purchase this money lesson recording.