This IWD it's all about YOU

Mar 07, 2024

 I was tempted not to write today's Musing.

That's because today is International Women's Day and I've got to be honest - I'm super frustrated.

Out of curiosity, I looked at a talk I gave on IWD almost a decade ago and the truth? That talk could have been wheeled out and delivered today.

The most disheartening part was the end where I said, "My hope is that in a decade's time International Women's Day is no longer a thing but rather something we think fondly of because we no longer have need for it. We have pay parity, the super gap is diminishing because there's a real plan and we stridently protect women's rights and women's bodies.."

Today, I can't imagine a time when we're not talking about these issues and I don't know about you but that makes me frustrated, angry and kind of defeated.

But here's the thing.

It's like anything when you think of the big picture. When you think about the problem it feels overwhelming. It feels insurmountable and certainly makes me want to sit down and give up.

But when you break that insurmountable problem down to a single person?

That's where you can make change.

That's why for me, this International Women's Day, it starts with you. Yes you - reading this musing here. 

Because the truth is, if I can have you believe that financial change is possible for YOU.

If I can have you take action to make that change.

If I can empower you with the understanding that you're not too young, too old, too busy or too broke(n), you just need to start - I can affect YOUR finances.

If I can transform your finances, then that is how I make change.

That is how I move that needle. That's how I make a difference to those overwhelming statistics.

One beautiful, financially transformed human at a time.

I do that through everything I create - whether that's books, masterclasses, freebies, challenges, keynotes, workshops, the My Financial Adulting Plan or the Financial Momentum Club.

I encourage you not to be defeated as well, but to consider the possibility that real financial change isn't just possible - it's inevitable if you just start.

Thank you for being here and for giving me hope that real change is possible - one person at a time.

My question for you is - what would it take, for that to start with you?

Mel x


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