Uncensored Money Podcast


Women are so good at talking about SO many things. Over brunch we can cover everything from sex to politics to religion to Housewives of Beverley Hills to white jeans in winter. But there’s one subject that we are completely avoiding. That subject is money. 

The problem is, we can’t afford to avoid it. That’s because as women, we’re kind of sucking at it. There is a wage gap that exists not simply in the corporate world but in the world of small and medium business owners where women should be on par with men. There is a gap between men and women that we’ve tossed in the too hard basket for the moment in our superannuation funds. And there’s a widening gap between those who own property and those who do not. 

And let’s not even talk about the role money and power holds in our society. 

That’s why ladies I believe finance is a feminist issue. It’s time we started to uncensor money.

Here you'll find chats about money where we throw off the notion that money is crass or uncomfortable. It's all about becoming comfortable bringing money into our everyday conversations and through it, figuring out what our own money story is and whether we might want to change it.


Uncensored Money

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Season 6

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Season 5

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Season 4

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Season 3

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Season 2

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Season 1

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Ask Mel Anything

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Season 6 

Uncensored Money Season Six: What you need to know about Property & Home Ownership in 2025

It’s a new season and we’re heading back to the basics to help you reduce your financial overwhelm and start (or keep) doing money better. Today Mel and Lawsie dive into all things property and home ownership in 2025.

We know that so many people don't feel like they're really 'adulting' until they own their own home. Today, we're calling BS on that, sharing why that's simply not true.

But, for those of you who do have buying a property (whether its a home, or investment), here's a few tips and tricks to make sure you're being financially smart with what you're doing.

From their own experiences, to interest rate predictions, and some of the best financial property tips, if climbing the property ladder interests you, this is the episode you'll want to tune into.

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Uncensored Money Season Six: Cleaning up or getting comfortable with debt

It’s a new season and we’re heading back to the basics to help you reduce your financial overwhelm and start (or keep) doing money better. Today Lawsie & Mel are talking about all things debt from what to know, why you should get comfortable with it, and what you should focus on.

Chances are, one of your new years resolutions is to get into, or out of debt. From getting rid of credit cards or personal loans, to getting into mortgages or investment loans, debt is a big topic many of us have on our mind especially as a new year begins.

From the different types to the secrets about debt that the wealthy already know. Because while it's often something we think we should avoid at all costs, in reality, it's not quite that simple.

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Uncensored Money Season Six: What you can do today: Quick wins and 101s specific

It’s a new season and we’re heading back to the basics to help you reduce your financial overwhelm and start (or keep) doing money better. Today Lawsie & Mel are here to help put a little action in you, sharing things you can start right now with some quick wins and 101s.

Chances are you (like us) are someone who loves a quick win, a dopamine hit, or Mel's personal favourite, an attagirl.

Today, we wanted to give you a financial quick win, because there's nothing like a quick win or a dopamine hit to keep you motivated with your finances. We're not just talking where to look for quick wins or how they appear, we also share some of our own experiences, some we've seen MFAP alumni achieve, plus some super practical quick wins you can start with for your own finances.

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Uncensored Money Season Six: What’s your number? Let’s get financially specific

It’s a new season and we’re heading back to the basics to help you reduce your financial overwhelm and start (or keep) doing money better. Today Lawsie & Mel as the question: have you ever asked the question – how much should I be saving? How much should I be investing? Just… how much?

By the end of the episode you’re going to understand why these are the wrong questions to ask, why most people think 20% is the right amount to invest (and why that’s wrong for most of us) and how to figure the right number out for yourself.

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Uncensored Money Season Six: Money Snapshot: Where you are, and where are you going

It’s a new season and we’re heading back to the basics to help you reduce your financial overwhelm and start (or keep) doing money better. Today we’re talking about your money snapshot – where you are now and where you’re going. And no, we’re not going to tell you to go and start a budget – in fact we’re going to talk about why they don’t work.

But we are going to stop some of you from driving off that financial cliff you’re headed towards.

As always, Mel & Lawsie share their experiences but also talk about the importance of a money snapshot, how detailed you need to get and give you some tools and tips to help you go and create your own money snapshot too.

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Uncensored Money Season Six: Let’s take the fear out of money and start growing in confidence

It’s a new season and we’re heading back to the basics to help you reduce your financial overwhelm and start (or keep) doing money better. Our question today is how do you remove the remove the fear out of money and to start (or for some of you, to continue) growing in confidence?  Mel and Lawsie talk you through why women particularly feel fearful or have low money confidence, we’ll share stories and give you some simple practical things you can do to help you remove that fear and grow in confidence in 2025.

Whether you’re super fearful, you have low confidence or you just want your financial cup refilled, this will help you step into 2025 with financial confidence.

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