Uncensored Money Podcast


Women are so good at talking about SO many things. Over brunch we can cover everything from sex to politics to religion to Housewives of Beverley Hills to white jeans in winter. But there’s one subject that we are completely avoiding. That subject is money. 

The problem is, we can’t afford to avoid it. That’s because as women, we’re kind of sucking at it. There is a wage gap that exists not simply in the corporate world but in the world of small and medium business owners where women should be on par with men. There is a gap between men and women that we’ve tossed in the too hard basket for the moment in our superannuation funds. And there’s a widening gap between those who own property and those who do not. 

And let’s not even talk about the role money and power holds in our society. 

That’s why ladies I believe finance is a feminist issue. It’s time we started to uncensor money.

Here you'll find chats about money where we throw off the notion that money is crass or uncomfortable. It's all about becoming comfortable bringing money into our everyday conversations and through it, figuring out what our own money story is and whether we might want to change it.


Uncensored Money

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Season 5

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Season 5

Uncensored Money Season Five: Do You Have Money Dysmorphia?

Chances are, most of us know and understand the term body dysmorphia, but have you heard of money dysmorphia?

Now money dysmorphia isn’t a clinically diagnosed medical illness, but it’s a phrase coined by the internet to describe having a warped sense or understanding of your finances, which then in turn leads to irrational money decision-making. Sound familiar?

In this episode of Uncensored Money, Mel and Lawsie discuss the concept of money dysmorphia, from the types there are, to what to do if you have it.

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Uncensored Money Season Five: Mel talks Wellness with Jennifer Benfield

What dragons have you had to slay in your life?

Each of us have faced different dragons, big and small, that we've come up against in our lives. Talking health, wellness, and thriving, Jennifer Benfield joins Mel this week to discuss the dragon that entered her life and forced her to reassess everything about the way she was living.

Tune into this episode of Uncensored Money for a discussion on health and wellness, and the impact every choice you make can have on your physical, mental, and financial health.

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Uncensored Money Season Five: Mel and Lawsie Talk Giving Your Willpower a Break

You know when you tell yourself you're not doing something anymore, and then a week later you find yourself unconsciously in the process of doing just that?

A few weeks ago, Mel found herself in just that loop. She set herself the challenge to shop her closet and not the stores, and yet when Sarah Blakely dropped her new Sneex, she caught herself adding to cart.

In this episode of Uncensored Money, Lawsie and Mel talk about the strain on our willpower that our phones have on us daily, and the habits we can create that can help give that willpower a break.

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Uncensored Money Season Five: Ultra Fast Fashion: What it is and why it’s the tobacco of the fashion world

We all know that fast fashion is bad, both environmentally and ethically, but what about the latest category which encapsulates brands like Temu, Shein, and Boohoo. With faster production cycles, faster churn, faster to landfills, and clothing made with ultra plastics which will shed microfibres into waterways for years to come, this new category is like fast fashion on crack.

In this episode of Uncensored Money, Mel talks about the new fashion category, Ultra Fast Fashion – who is in it and why it could be as harmful as tobacco for your health.

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Uncensored Money Season Five: Mel talks scams, with Tracy Hall

This week it’s scam awareness week and last year, $2.7 billion was lost to scammers in Australia. That’s more than $5,200 per minute – and that’s only the scams we know about. So many more would have kept quiet.

That’s why I’m excited to be talking to Tracy Hall, who in 2017 discovered the man she’d been dating for two years, Max, was one of Australia’s most prolific con men – Hamish McLaren. Also known as Hamish Watson. Also known as Hamish Maxwell.

During our chat, you’ll hear just how much she lost, red flags to be aware of, what to do if someone you think is being scammed, how to move on from the shame of being scammed and so much more.

Tracy’s story highlights that it doesn’t matter her you’re from, how you were raised or educated or how intuitive you think you are – anyone can fall victim to a scam.

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Uncensored Money Season Five: What's Your Financial Sprint?

What inspiration can we take from the Olympics for your finances this week?

In this solo episode of Uncensored Money, Mel talks about the extraordinary competitors in the Olympics, examining how we can take inspiration from their practice, so we can sprint through the the next five months, to finish this year well.

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Uncensored Money Season Five: What if We Applied an Olympians Training Mindset to Our Finances.

Like the entirety of the world, Mel and Lawsie have spent the past few weeks with their eyes glued on the Olympics. Watching these extraordinary athletes, has made them ask the question, What if we applied a high performing mindset to our finances?

In this episode of Uncensored Money, Mel and Lawsie talk about eight things we can learn from elite athletes and apply to our finances. From the power of goal setting to a great coaching team, tune in to find out what tips we can take from our Olympians.

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Uncensored Money Season Five: 5 Ways to Regain Financial Control During Times Of Financial Uncertainty And Distress

It’s no surprise to most of us that things have gotten a little tougher financially in recent years. With so many indicators leading us to a measure of stress and uncertainty, knowing what to do to help things, can feel impossible.

In this episode of Uncensored Money, Mel and Lawsie discuss this uncertainty, giving us 5 things we can look at to regain control during times of financial uncertainty and distress. Because while we know that not all of us can get a second job to bridge a financial gap, nor can we put our heads in the sand to ignore a growing financial strain.

Tune into this episode where we go back to basics, and share the things you really should be doing to regain financial control.

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Uncensored Money Season Five: Could We Be Back In a Time Of Rising Interest Rates?

In this solo episode, Mel talks about interest rates and inflation. Terrifying words for most Australians, Mel talks to what these latest inflation figures mean, and what other options could work to lessen interest rates.

Tune into this episode of Uncensored Money where we break down what's going on with the economy, and Mel's opinion on whether we may or may not be in for more rising interest rates.

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Uncensored Money Season Five: Let's Talk About Money Stories with Mel and Lawsie

It’s time to talk about money stories.

Finance is so personal, and the money stories that we grew up with or have learned thanks to our jobs, parents, education and more have huge effects on that. 

In this episode of Uncensored Money, we’re talking about three different types of Money Stories that Mel and Lawsie have seen time after time through their careers as financial advisors. These money stories have big impact on the way we earn our money, treat it, and even advocate for ourselves.

Understanding our Money Stories is the first step to taking charge of our financial future.

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Uncensored Money Season Five: Mel Talks Ethical Investing With Alexandra Brown

Have you always wanted to invest ethically, but never known whether it was worth it?

In this episode of Uncensored Money, ethical investing expert Alexandra Brown comes on to talk to Mel about all things ethical investing. The CEO and powerhouse behind Ethical Invest Group, Alexandra is a champion of ethical and sustainable investing.

Discussing all facets of ethical investing, from the different types, to the suitability of each, tune in for a discussion that will have you thinking about what ethical means to you.

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Uncensored Money Season Five: It's Time To Take Comfort In Your Numbers

For many business owners, metrics and numbers bring much more anxiety than they do comfort. This is especially true in a post Covid world, with business uncertainty is especially high.

In this episode of Uncensored Money, Mel discusses the idea of taking comfort in the numbers. Using an example of a former client, Mel breaks down how taking comfort in your numbers can work, and how with a better understanding, they can help you stay accountable and on track.

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Uncensored Money Season Five: What Are Your Financial Values

A few weeks ago Mel made a reel focused on repairing some well loved shoes that she owned. One of which was a luxury brand, alongside two others that were not. It was a simple reel which highlighted something she’s done for a long time, but it sparked an interesting debate.

In this episode of Uncensored Money, Mel talks about the conversation that sparked from that reel, diving into a conversation on financial values and asking the question – What Are Your Financial Values?

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Uncensored Money Season Five: The Great Debate: Property vs Shares with Mel and Lawsie

Last week we talked about whether investing in the property market was still worth it, using a case study to break down the numbers on whether it was still worth it. This week, we’re spinning things and looking at property, vs shares.

In this episode of Uncensored Money, Mel and Lawsie dive deep into the great debate of what’s a better investment. Laying down all the pros and cons (some that you know, some that you won’t), they explore what really is the better investment. Hint, the answer may be, it depends.

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Uncensored Money Season Five: Is Property Still Worth It, With Mel and Lawsie

With rising interest rates, mortgage repayments, and a cost of living crisis, it's no wonder the question of whether property investments are still worth it.

In this episode of Uncensored Money, join Mel and Lawsie as they discuss, investing in property in the current market. Using a case study to understand the numbers, they break it down explaining how they feel about property investing, and whether they still think it's worth it.

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Uncensored Money Season Five: Mel Talks Hormones and Menopause with Dr Ginni Mansberg

Do you find that there is such a disconnect when it comes to women, hormones, and health?

In this episode of Uncensored Money, Mel digs into this disparity with her guest, Dr Ginni Mansberg. Dr Ginni is a GP who specialises in the management of menopause, a well known TV host, author of The M Word, and was voted the most trusted healthcare professional in Australia in 2022. 

Mel talks to Ginni about Menopause, the disparity in treatment, and the effect this has on women, and subsequently on their finances. A fascinating talk, this episode is discusses menopause, the lack of research there has been on it in the medical world, and why treatments often start to fail after 6-12 months.

Tune in for a discussion on women, hormones, and the relationship this can have on your finances.

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Uncensored Money Season Five:The Unsexy Path to Financial Freedom

After coming back from less than nothing in her thirties, Mel Browne took charge of her finances, so much so, that within a decade she had the choice to work or not. 

In this episode of Uncensored Money, Mel talks about the journey that got her there. Not so you can replicate it piece by piece hoping it'll take you exactly where it took her, but so you can understand the process that she went through, becoming financially free. Listen in as Mel breaks down the 8 steps she recommends if you're thinking, "Well, what should I be doing?".

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Uncensored Money Season Five: Money Chats with MFAP Alumni: Catherine's Story

Wish you could listen in as someone just like you chatted about money? That’s what our Money Chats are all about.

In this episode, Mel talks with My Financial Adulting Plan alumni, Catherine, a creative who was thanks to her financial education, is excited to learn about money, and feels she has a right to. Catherine talks about her journey, from working in theatre travelling to lumpy inconsistent income, to finally settling down and purchasing her first home at 50.

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Uncensored Money Season Five: Money Chats with MFAP Alumni: Angela's Story

Wish you could listen in as someone just like you chatted about money? That’s what our Money Chats are all about.

In this episode, Mel talks with My Financial Adulting Plan alumni, Angela (or Ferg's as she permitted Mel to call her). Angela's money story growing up revolved around 'Never Enough', scarcity and fear and discusses how the My Financial Adulting Plan helped her reject this scarcity mindset. Through this, Angela was able to shift her thinking, from constantly hoping for a windfall that would change things, into an understanding of money and how to manage it properly. 

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Uncensored Money Season Five: Are you Holding onto the Right Things? Mel Talks Power and Rituals.

On this solo episode of Uncensored Money, Mel talks about the power and rituals, asking the question, are we holding onto the right things? Brought on by an exciting (and absolutely terrifying opportunity), Mel discusses these things from our past that we’re holding on to, are often the same things holding us back.

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Uncensored Money Season Five: "If Only I Earned Enough", Mel and Lawsie Discuss Money Myths

On this episode of Uncensored Money, Mel and Lawsie talk about the money myth, “If only I earned more income, life would be so much easier”. And certainly, for some people, this might be entirely true, but they wonder if, for many others, it’s not necessarily what you’re earning that makes things difficult.

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Uncensored Money Season Five: Are You Getting Enough Financial Hydration.

In this solo episode, Mel talks about how we’re often looking for a magic pill to speed up our financial success while leaving the basics behind. Using an analogy brought on by a trip to the dermatologist, Mel discusses the concept of financial hydration, giving you three simple basics that you can implement to look after your financial wellbeing. 

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Uncensored Money Season Five: My Biggest Announcement Yet.

This week in Uncensored Money, Mel and Lawsie talk about wanting what’s best for you, not just what others think is best for you. And, they announce a update to the My Financial Adulting Plan that may change everything.

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Uncensored Money Season Five: I Wish We Didn’t Celebrate International Women’s Day.

This week is International Women’s Day, and you might think with the theme of Count Her In: Accelerating Gender Equality Through Economic Empowerment Mel would rejoice, talking about how important this theme is. In this episode instead, Mel talks about why she is tired of International Women’s Day, why she wishes we put as much thought into it as we do International Men’s Day, as well as some simple things you can do this week to recognise it.

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Uncensored Money Season Five: When is enough, enough? Mel and Lawsie discuss overconsumption and its effect on our finances.

In this episode of Uncensored Money, Mel and Lawsie discuss unintentional overconsumption. And how it can leave your closet bursting, and your wallet empty.

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Uncensored Money Season Five: What Would You Do? Mel & Lawsie Talk Ethical Spending and Investing.

In this episode of Uncensored Money, Mel and Lawsie discuss what ethical means to them (and you), through a series of What Would You Do questions. Through this and a discussion of how they view sustainability differently, Lawsie and Mel talk about what is ethical spending and investing, and how to gradually reset to spending and investing more in line with your values.

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Uncensored Money Season Five: "She's so lucky". It's Time To Make Your Own Luck.

In this solo episode, Mel talks about why the words, “She’s so lucky” are like quicksand for your finances (and your business if you have one) and what she thinks you should be doing instead...

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Uncensored Money Season Five: Mel talks Developing Great Habits with Dr Gina Cleo.

Want to know how to develop great financial habits? That’s exactly what this episode is all about. Mel chats with Dr Gina Cleo, one of the world’s leading experts in habits. Gina has a PhD in habit change, is an Assistant Professor at Bond University, and is an Accredited Practicing Dietician.

Mel talks to Gina about sustainable habits, goal setting, and setting great habits for your finances (and all your lives). It’s a discussion travelling from the benefits of habit trackers, into the nitty gritty, like how when everything is a challenge, even setting a habit as small as brushing your teeth can be a win that sets you onto a path for recovery.

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Uncensored Money Season Five: Money Chats with MFAP Alumni: Chloe's Story.

Wish you could listen in as someone just like you chatted about money? That’s what our Money Chats are all about.

In this episode, Mel is chatting with My Financial Adulting Plan alumni Chloe, a Melbourne mum of two. Chloe talks about taking the course in mid 2023, and the impact and changes that she and her husband have made since. Listen and be inspired to take charge of your own finances.

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Uncensored Money Season Five: Money Chats with MFAP Alumni: Jodie's Story.

Wish you could listen in as someone just like you chatted about money? That’s what our Money Chats are all about.

In this episode, Mel is chatting with My Financial Adulting Plan alumni Jodie who is a fifty-something single mum. Jodie talks about where she was at a year ago and the changes she’s made over the last 12 months. Listen and be inspired to take charge of your own finances.

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Uncensored Money Season Five: What If You’re Not At The Age And Stage You Should Be.

In this episode, Lawsie and Mel talk about three of the questions we’re asked the most is. ‘Where should I be at financially at my age’? How much super do you think I should have at my age? And how much should I be investing at my age? 

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Uncensored Money Season Five: 3 Things You Should Be Stopping, Starting & Continuing When It Comes To Your Money.

In this episode, Mel and Lawsie talk about great financial processes and habits, plus give you things to do this month so you feel motivated and empowered to keep going.

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Uncensored Money Season Five: Your NY Resolutions Aren't Yours: Let's Talk About Goals & Mimetic Desire.

Mel believes many of us should be tossing our New Year's resolutions out the window. In this new season episode, she talks about New Year's resolutions, goals, mimetic desire and your finances and addresses how understanding what YOU really want is key to having great finances.

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