Uncensored Money Podcast
Women are so good at talking about SO many things. Over brunch we can cover everything from sex to politics to religion to Housewives of Beverley Hills to white jeans in winter. But there’s one subject that we are completely avoiding. That subject is money.
The problem is, we can’t afford to avoid it. That’s because as women, we’re kind of sucking at it. There is a wage gap that exists not simply in the corporate world but in the world of small and medium business owners where women should be on par with men. There is a gap between men and women that we’ve tossed in the too hard basket for the moment in our superannuation funds. And there’s a widening gap between those who own property and those who do not.
And let’s not even talk about the role money and power holds in our society.
That’s why ladies I believe finance is a feminist issue. It’s time we started to uncensor money.
Here you'll find chats about money where we throw off the notion that money is crass or uncomfortable. It's all about becoming comfortable bringing money into our everyday conversations and through it, figuring out what our own money story is and whether we might want to change it.

Season 3
Uncensored Money Season Three: Design Your Best Year Yet
Given that 80% of people abandon their resolutions by February, in this episode Mel and Lawsie discuss goal setting and Mel shares a process Mel uses called Your Best Year Yet that helps her intentionally design her year and life.
Uncensored Money Season Three: Understanding Diversification and Risk When Investing
When it comes to investing, diversification is critically important. So in this episode, Mel and Lawsie explain what it means and the steps you can take to achieve it.
Uncensored Money Season Three: Property and Interest Rates in 2023
The media is full of clickbait headlines about property values, inflation and interest rates for the coming year. So in this episode, Mel and Lawsie sit down and share 8 practical tips that you can do to prepare financially for the year ahead.
Uncensored Money Season Three: Share Investing - It’s More than Downloading an App
It’s easier and cheaper than ever before to invest in shares. These days we have so many share investing platforms and apps to choose from. However, it’s important to choose the right app for you. So in this episode, Mel and Lawsie share 10 things to think about before you download an app and start investing.
Uncensored Money Season Three: Investing During Uncertain Times
With interest rates and the cost of living rising and volatility in the share market, it can be really easy to press ‘pause’ financially, especially when you’re tired at the end of the year. So in this episode, Mel and Lawsie share 8 practical things you should be doing or focusing on during this time of uncertainty.
Uncensored Money Season Three: Cost Less Christmas
With rising interest rates and the increasing cost of living, Christmas can be a source of a lot of expense and stress for people, and cause waste that hurts our environment. So in this episode, Mel and Lawsie share some of their favourite strategies to help Christmas cost you less financially, emotionally and environmentally.
Uncensored Money Season Three: 5 Financial Questions We Ask When Making Decisions
We often don’t get any insights into how other people make decisions, particularly financial ones. So in this episode, Mel and Lawsie share some of the questions they ask themselves or things they think about when making decisions, particularly financial decisions.
Uncensored Money Season Three: Child Free by Choice
In this solo episode, Mel discusses her decision not to have children and the importance of having the courage to make decisions based on what you want, not what society or your family expects of you.
Uncensored Money Season Three: It's Halloween - Is Money Keeping You Awake at Night?
It’s Halloween and in this episode, Mel and Lawsie talk about some of the things that might be sending financial chills down your spine. Plus they share 4 things that should be keeping you awake at night.
Uncensored Money Season Three: Recessions, Misinformation & Clickbait Headlines
In this solo episode, Mel discusses what a recession is and why the situation in Australia is likely to be different from what’s happening in the rest of the world. Plus she shares some quick tips about actions you can take to minimise the impact of the economic slowdown.
Uncensored Money Season Three: Goal Setting & Relationships
In this episode, Mel and her husband, Tony Larven (aka #baldsexyman) have a conversation about how they set financial goals in their relationship.
Uncensored Money Season Three: Power, Control, Relationships and Money
In this episode, Mel and Lawsie discuss power imbalances that can exist inside relationships related to money, the unexpected ways they can arise and what you can do to protect and educate yourself.
Uncensored Money Season Three: Mel Responds to a 'Helpful' Comment
In this episode, Mel and Lawsie respond to a comment left on a social media post by a woman who suggested that “you just need to spend less than you earn and pay off your mortgage and you'll be fine. You don't need to buy some overpriced course to figure out money”.
Uncensored Money Season Three: Is Wellness Sending You Broke?
In this episode, Mel and Lawsie discuss why financial wellness is just as important as physical or emotional wellness and why you should include financial wellness in your self care routine
Uncensored Money Season Three: Recession Proofing Your Finances
In this episode, Mel and Lawsie explain what a recession is and then share their top tips on how to be financially resilient during a recession.
Uncensored Money Season Three: Travel Tips to Save You Cash
The world has opened up post-Covid and Aussies are planning to travel, and spend more on travel, than in previous years. In this episode, Mel and Lawsie share 18 travel tips that will save you money so you can enjoy your holiday without a financial hangover.
Uncensored Money Season Three: Finding More Income
Studies show that women have been conditioned by media to reduce their spending rather than find more income. So in this episode, Mel and Lawsie share 13 ways you can find more income.
Uncensored Money Season Three: Your Inflation, Interest Rate & Cost of Living Questions Answered
In this episode, Mel and Lawsie answer your questions on all things related to interest rates, inflation rates and the increasing cost of living.
Uncensored Money Season Three: The Link Between Interest Rates & Inflation Rates
In this episode, Mel and Lawsie discuss the link between interest rates, inflation rates and their impact on the cost of living.
Uncensored Money Season Three: 8 Popular Apps to Save You Money
In this episode, Mel and Lawsie share their 8 favourite apps to help you save money, including on groceries, fuel, eating out, energy bills and shopping.
Uncensored Money Season Three: Lifestyle Creep: What Is It and How to Avoid It
In this episode, Mel and Lawsie discuss lifestyle creep, what it is and how it affects you. Then they share 5 practical ways to avoid lifestyle creep from sabotaging your finances.
Uncensored Money Season Three: Plan, Pivot, Plan – My Latest Launch Debrief
In this episode, Mel discusses comparison culture by opening the curtains to share what was going on behind the scenes of the recent launch of the My Financial Adulting Plan.
Uncensored Money Season Three: 5 Financial Tips No Matter Your Age or Stage
Melissa recorded this podcast at the request of someone who messaged her on Instagram asking if there’s hope if you’re starting again in your late thirties and what she should do. In it, Mel talks about her own story about coming back from less than nothing as well as 5 strategies to financially move yourself along, no matter your age.
Uncensored Money Season Three: Property and Interest Rates
This week the Reserve Bank of Australia put its rates up for the first time since November, 2010. It’s the rate rise that everyone saw coming but that doesn’t mean the clickbait headlines aren’t everywhere. That’s why Mel and Lawsie jumped on for a podcast full of practical tips for what this interest rate rise (and the interest rate rises to come) mean for you.
Uncensored Money Season Three: Finfluencers, Money Mindset Coaches, Educators, Advisors & More
In this solo episode, Mel discusses the differences between people who play in the finance space; finfluencers, money mindset coaches, financial educators, advisors and more. She also talks about the different roles they play and how they make their money so you can make an informed decision about who to listen to.
Uncensored Money Season Three: Is your language or bias keeping you small?
In this episode, Mel and Lawsie discuss the impact of language and bias on our finances and our lives. They begin by discussing the response to a recent post on social media by Mel and how women judging other women is not only hurting our finances but potentially limiting what we think we’re capable of.
Uncensored Money Season Three: Catching Up on Superannuation
In the fourth episode of Season 3, Mel and Lawsie continue the discussion from last week’s episode about the impact of having a break, for whatever reason, from contributing to your super.
Uncensored Money Season Three: Superannuation – The Forgotten Cost of a Career Break
In the third episode of Season 3, on International Women’s Day Mel talks about an important yet often overlooked cost of a career break; the impact on women’s superannuation.
Uncensored Money Season Three: Do Your Finances Need a Detox?
In this second episode of Season Three, Mel talks about an important financial habit she adopted over a decade ago called the 30 Day Financial Detox and how it will help you break up with money and become a conscious and mindful consumer again. Mel shares ideas on how to structure your detox, switch behaviours, set boundaries and create an action plan.
Uncensored Money Season Three: We Compare 9 Popular Investing Apps
In this new season of Uncensored Money, Mel and Lawsie talk about 9 popular investing apps and compare what they are, what they invest in, features we like, features we're uncomfortable with, fees benefits and more.